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Inheritance Law

Inheritance Law

Inheritance tax is levied on all properties situated in Greece and belonging to Greek nationals or foreigners.

The rate of the inheritance tax depends on the value of the property and the relationship between the deceased (the person who has died) and the beneficiary (the person inheriting). There are tax-free amounts depending on the kinship with the deceased.

Wills Probate before the Greek Courts

LAW TAX IN GREECE CONSULTING has helped many people who live abroad to trace the property they have inherited from their family that had been forgotten, neglected or even taken by third people.

In Greece there two ways to inherit property: by a will or with an intestate succession.

• According to the Greek Inheritance law if the deceased has left a will, the person who holds it should take care of its probation before the Greek Courts.

LAW TAX IN GREECE CONSULTING takes care of the entire procedure regarding the probation of the will before the Courts anywhere in Greece.

Intestate Succession

If the deceased has not left a will, then the inheritance is taking place by the intestate succession which is based on the kinship with the deceased.

LAW TAX IN GREECE CONSULTING investigates who the legal heir is for the property left by the deceased, we take care for the issuance of any kind of documents and certificates required such as certificate of next of kin, certificate of will probation by the Greek courts, etc.

Filing Inheritance Tax Statement

There is a certain time limit for the heir to submit inheritance tax statement before the relevant Tax Authorities for the inherited property; this time limit is calculated upon the date the deceased passed away. It is six (6) months for Greek residents, and twelve months (12) for non-Greek residents.

Acceptance of Inheritance

•There is no deadline for accepting the inheritance
• On the contrary, there is a specific deadline for the heir to renounce his rights on the inherited property which is four (4) months for Greek residents and one (1) year for non-Greek residents, upon the deceased death or after the probation of the will, in case of a will , by the competent Authorities.
•A deed of acceptance of inheritance should be executed by the notary (symvolaiografo) and the heir. A certain amount of documents should be attached to the deed of acceptance of inheritance required by the Inheritance Law

LAW TAX IN GREECE CONSLUTING takes care of the entire procedure regarding the issuance of the certificates and the execution acceptance of inheritance so that the client will receive the deeds of acceptance of inheritance as well as certificate of the deeds registration at the competent Land Registries with no need to travel to Greece.