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Family Law

Family Law

  • Divorce in Greece
  • Alimony in Greece
  • Property division upon divorce in Greece
  • Child support and custody in Greece

Divorce in Greece

Marriage in Greece is solved by divorce with an irrevocable judgment in the following three cases:
•in case of an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, which is presumed if the spouses have been living apart for more than two years continuously,
•after declaration of death in absentia of one of the spouses
•by consensus of the spouses, after submitting a joint application
•Also, marriage is solved by a final judgment declaring it void.
The Greek Courts have jurisdiction to issue divorces in Greece if one of the spouses is a Greek citizen, if the spouses had their last common residency in Greece, or if the defendant in a divorce lawsuit has his permanent residency in Greece.

Alimony in Greece

The Court may award alimony to a former spouse after his/ her relevant application, according to terms and conditions defined by the Greek Civil Code.

Property division upon divorce in Greece

If a marriage is terminated or canceled and the property of one of the spouses has increased after the marriage, the other spouse is entitled to claim part of this increase, provided he/she contributed in any manner to such increase.

Child support and custody in Greece

ccording to the relevant laws in Greece, both parents are obliged to provide maintenance for their child jointly, each one in proportion to his/ her means.

Also, both parents have the duty and right to take care of their minor child (parental responsibility) jointly. Parental responsibility includes the care of the person of the child, the management of his/ her property as well as his/ her representation in any case or transaction or trial relating to his/ her person or property.

In case of a divorce or marriage annulment, the exercise of parental responsibility is governed by court order.

LAW TAX IN GREECE CONSULTING handles such cases effectively and with a very comprehensive approach taking into consideration the sensitivity and delicacy family cases require.